
Curium MAG3 - Technetium Tc 99m Mertiatide

Curium TechneScan MAG3

Kit for the preparation of Technetium Tc 99m Mertiatide

TechneScan MAG3 provides clinically useful information for a whole range of renal disorders; Renal transplant, renal obstruction, neonatal studies and renal colic. Radionuclide evaluation with a tubular-secreted agent such as MAG3 imaging agent is more specific for dynamic renal abnormalities than ultrasound. It also enables you to assess effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) - a highly sensitive indicator of renal function.


Technetium Tc 99m mertiatide is a renal imaging agent for the use in the diagnosis of congenital and acquired abnormalities, renal failure, urinary tract obstruction, and calculi in adults and paediatric patients. It is a diagnostic aid in providing renal function, split function, renal angiograms and renogram curves for whole kidney and renal cortex. 

Chemical Formula

Per Vial:

  • Betiatide 1mg

  • Stannous Chloride Dihydrate 0.05-0.2mg

  • Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate 40mg

  • Lactose Monohydrate 20mg